More than 40 years of experience


Who arranges for the inspection?


Who arranges for the home inspection? | Freilich Law | Michael Freilich | | (410) 321-0040

Typically, in Maryland, the buyer’s real estate agent arranges for the inspection. In my practice, I give a list of two or three inspectors that I know, to do the work. Typically, there is a relationship between the inspectors and the real estate agents. The real estate agents know that if they pick a certain inspector, they will miss certain things because they want the deal to go through.

The inspector will go and do what he needs to do in order to get more transactions out of that particular buyer or seller’s real estate agent. They don’t get a commission, but they get more work. What’s curious is that in most jurisdictions, most inspections are limited in damages to the amount of the inspection. So if the inspection is $400, and they missed mold in the property, which could cost thousands to repair, you go to sue them, you’re limited to $400. This is why you need to go, a real estate attorney who knows the players, who can recommend different inspectors who owe their allegiance to the attorney and to the person that’s hiring them, and not to the real estate agent where they get more business.

Posted on April 2, 2018