How much does estate planning cost? | Freilich Law | Michael Freilich | | (410) 321-0040
It depends on how complicated it is. Typically, an hourly rate is multiplied by the number of expected hours. With our simple will, power of attorney, advanced directive, and [inaudible 00:00:18] with other documents, it’s normally between 600 and 800 dollars. If there’s a life involved, it could be double that. If there are children involved and they’re minors and there’s need for a trust, then it could run up to 1,500 to 2,000, as an average. For my particular office, other offices are more, other offices are less. The hourly rate typically depends upon the experience of the attorney. The more experienced, the higher the rate. When you look for an attorney, don’t compare rates because the experience is important. You need an attorney who has seen estate plans they’ve drawn over the last 20 or 30 years, how they have worked out and where there have been problems with them.